Monday, March 25, 2013

Blog Post #10

I'm a Papermate. I'm a Ticonderoga.
I didn't understand John T. Spencer's cartoon at first. After reading through previous blogs and the comments left, I have decided that it is, of course, a metaphor. The pencils represent computers, or technology in general. I think it's trying to say that technology is a really expensive alternative compared to traditional teaching methods like pencil and paper. The question that needs to be asked though, is is it worth it? Yes! The cost is a small price to pay when you get as much use and knowledge out of it than you normally could otherwise.

Why were your kids playing games?

This displays a great example of "just because your older and wiser, doesn't mean your necessarily right." The principal is angry with the teacher for "playing a game" during class time. However, the teacher sees it as a fun and creative way to teach his kids rather than the traditional, and yet boring way that it usually done. The part I really loved was this one, "If we want students to pass the rote memorization test, we need to focus on rote memorization skills." I think this sums up how most teachers teach, by trying to get student to memorize when we should be learning and advancing through the years.

Don't teach your kids this stuff. Please?

This is a post by Scott Mcleod where it's pretty obvious he being sarcastic. What he pretty much says is do not teach your kids to grow and learn with technology. However, I will teach mine and they will have the upper hand down the road. I learned that Mr. McLeod is an Associate Professor and his blog is called Dangerously Irrelevant. I've commented on his blog before and I've always enjoyed reading his posts.


  1. Hey, Rachel! I like how you're straight forward in your blog, but I'd like to see more of your ideas and opinions about things you read! Just because you thoroughly express your opinion doesn't mean you're right or wrong, but rather that it's where you stand, and believe me, people want to know where you stand.

  2. Metaphors and sarcasm. You understood.

  3. Hey Rachel! I like how you're short and to the point in your blog. There were a few grammatical errors so you may want to make sure and proof read before you publish. Overall you did a really good job. I did not understand the cartoon at all but you did so well done. Good luck with the rest of EDM310 and keep up the good work.
